Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Artist's Block!

So my goal of doing something artsy every week has kind of hit a snag - Artist Block!!!!
I have succeeded in working and re-working 2 small collages to the point that they are now in my trash bin.
The other 6 canvases shown above have been worked on and gessoed over quite a few times!
Now I have them all lined up staring at me with their blank white faces - not a happy sight!

This week has seen way too many interruptions - one of the major downfalls of having a home studio with a retired husband and a very senior dog.

I won't have time now to try anything artsy for a few more days.  This is making me very anxious and antsy as I want to DO something!!!

I know I can find my 'happy place' and concentrate on creating something just for my own peace of mind - one of these days!

I think some time on my treadmill will be useful right about now!

My consolation is that I know all creative people hit these roadblocks from time time and it will pass.  I just need this to pass quickly!!!


Jen said...

Totally understand. A retired husband can be the most time consuming thing that happens to women later in life. Then add the being an artist thing and sometimes it is like walking through treacle. Even when they are supportive of your art practice, you are disrupted by their social needs. I wish I knew the answer, but I struggle with this myself, so if anyone has the answer, please speak up.

Art and Life said...

Thank You Jen for understanding!