Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Working in a Series - Stage 2

Day 2 - I have put my flowers in place and decided where the frozen ground will be as well as the green areas. Tomorrow morning I will finish those two areas and then work on the outer collage some more. I hope to be finished with this one by the late afternoon. When I can put the two canvases up side by side or one over the other I will be able to see if a third will work.

I am now taking my painting apron off and putting my cooking one on!

1 comment:

Margie Oomen said...

Very interesting coincidence today since I was thinking about you Mike earlier today when speaking with my son who has moved to Ottawa. I think he sometimes shops at the store your son now owns ( correct me if I am wrong). Later I was looking at the referrer stats for my blog and came across your link. I didn't even know you had a blog. I love the direction your mixed media works are headed. Such a feast of color. Thanks so much for having a link to my blog in your sidebar.