Friday, August 10, 2012


Today's writing is about determination.  This painting was started many months ago and had to wait to be finished until I had recovered firstly from the Christmas season; secondly from a concussion; thirdly from a frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tear and lastly from an incredibly hot few months which left my brain pretty much fried as far as any creative impulses were concerned.

My injuries have healed and the weather has cooled off resulting in a welcome spurt of energy yesterday and today.  This one is now as finished as it's going to be.  A coat of varnish remains to be added and then the final touch which is a float frame with a natural clear finish and black interior.

Many times I have wanted to get out the gesso and start over completely.  There is something to be said for sticking with something until it tells you to stop.  Working on an abstract painting with no pre-planning is like doing a difficult puzzle.The spark of accomplishment feels good and I'm now looking forward to the next challenge.